
Book a free intro


Personal Training

One on one training for both males and females. No age limit.

Semi-Private Personal Training

Personal training provided for both males and females in a small group setting. Each participant follows his/her own training program.

Sports Performance Training

Aimed at the improvement of both physical and neurological skills of the young and mature athlete. Sport specific training provided either on a one-on-one or semi-private training setting.

Our clients see incredible results

Achieve your goals at FJP Training.

  • Day One

    Increased brain functions and boosted mood.

  • Week One

    Improved energy and better health.

  • Month One

    Increased metabolism, changes in muscle mass & overall fitness.

  • Month Three

    See-it-in-the-mirror results.

  • Month Six

    Compliments from friends/family & a healthier, more efficient heart.

  • One Year

    Increased life expectancy, better bone density and mental health.


Our gym has membership options starting at $95 per month. We have a fitness solution for every budget. Fill out the form to learn more about our memberships.

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